Our Objective is to Teach Love, Care and Support to our Students

Picture of Sister Zeph

Sister Zeph

President and Founder of Zephaniah Women's Education and Empowerment Foundation.

Posted to Sister Zeph’s Journal

On 23 April, 2014

By Nazish Yaqoob.

We have limited space at our center for our students to study. When I arrived at the center yesterday, I noticed some children sitting in the open air, exposed to the scorching sun of this summer season. It prompted me to encourage our students to look out for one another and find a way to provide shelter for everyone. Our aim extends beyond formal education; we also strive to teach love, care, and support. It was Nazish Yaqoob, one of our students, who articulated these thoughts. Her words moved me deeply, and I sensed a genuine transformation within her.

The world we inhabit today is far removed from the one created by God. Selfishness prevails, and concern for others seems to be dwindling. This must surely pain Him. Did God create us to harbor animosity towards each other? He bestowed upon us a beautiful world, yet we tarnish it with our actions. It is disheartening how we often prioritize our own interests, indulge in flattery, use derogatory language, undermine others, and resort to deception. We inflict harm on others, but will this bring happiness to our Creator? Does it align with the purpose for which God made us? The answer is a resounding “no.” God’s rules for us are often disregarded. Do we genuinely celebrate each other’s successes with heartfelt joy? Regrettably, we seldom do. Many people only extend assistance for appearances, helping those who can reciprocate with benefits, rather than aiding those who are genuinely in need. We often fail to love those who truly deserve it – those who are lonely, sick, or helpless.

However, if we embrace love, support, and assistance for one another, our world could transform into a paradise. Helping others brings a sense of pride and fulfillment, yet it remains a rarity in our society. Do we truly harbor unconditional love in our hearts? Are we deserving of God’s blessings? Despite our shortcomings, God continues to show us mercy. His sun shines upon all, regardless of their moral standing, and His rain falls upon everyone, good or bad. Sadly, we often fail to appreciate His gifts and seem unafraid of the possibility that, due to our cruelty to fellow humans, God may one day withdraw His blessings. We must remember that we are made from the same soil, and one day, after our deaths, we will return to it. Knowing this, why do we not strive to do good and spread love and peace throughout our world? I firmly believe that love was the sole reason for the creation of our world.

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