Iffat and Sister Zeph’s collaboration for Women empowerment through digital technology

Picture of Sister Zeph

Sister Zeph

President and Founder of Zephaniah Women's Education and Empowerment Foundation.

Posted to Sister Zeph’s Journal

By Sister Zeph

On 26 March, 2015

Life is exceptionally challenging for women, and there are individuals around the world committed to assisting them in securing their rights and improving their living standards. These advocates aim to provide women with access to education, skills, and awareness of their rights. However, progress for women remains frustratingly slow, and several factors contribute to this issue.

One of the most significant barriers is the lack of access to digital technology. In rural Pakistan, there exists a prevailing belief that computers are primarily for employment purposes. Given that women in these areas often face restrictions on pursuing employment, they have little incentive to acquire computer skills.

Zephaniah Free Education, however, is actively challenging this mindset by equipping both mothers and daughters with computer skills. This endeavor was not without its challenges and required years of effort to convey the importance of digital technology in their lives.

Today, we have a growing number of students eager to learn. Nevertheless, our resources are limited, and we cannot afford to hire a computer teacher at the high salary rates prevailing in the market. While we can provide our students with the fundamentals of computer usage, their increased awareness has made them more ambitious, desiring to explore further aspects of digital technology. Failing to provide them with a comprehensive education in this field could erode their trust and hope in us.

We are fortunate to possess a well-equipped computer center, yet the absence of a qualified teacher remains a critical gap. However, thanks to our friend Iffat Rose Gill, who serves as the Chairperson and Founder of the ChunriChoupaal Organization, which has been dedicated to advancing women’s status in Pakistan through digital technology for several years.

Iffat has generously offered to teach our girls a multitude of digital technology programs. She has already interviewed some of the girls, who are thrilled at the prospect. Many students are eager to enroll in her online classroom. Through this collaboration, we aspire to connect hundreds of girls to the global community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Iffat Rose Gill for this remarkable opportunity for our students.

We would like to extend an invitation to you to reach out to either me or Iffat Rose Gill if you are interested in volunteering and becoming part of this initiative. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

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